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Each sphere has its own set of phrases, and certain words become slang for these particular professionals. The CNC community is no exception. Don’t be concerned if you’re just getting started with the router and have no idea what you’re doing. Today, we’ll go over the essential terms for CNC router operators that you may encounter during the process, so you don’t think it’s terrifying or complicated.

Wattsan keywords for CNC router

End mill, chuck, tool holder, spindle

These four parts will be the first to appear, and each represents a distinct component of the CNC router machine.

Spindle. This is the primary component responsible for the milling action of the machine; it is the one that produces products. The spindle’s power dictates what materials it can process and how effectively.

Wattsan spindle CNC router

Tool holder with chuck. This is, if we may say so, a connection between a spindle and an end mill that interacts with the workpiece surface. They specify an instrument’s maximum diameter and length, as well as the quality of the job. Chucks are also chosen based on the type of machining process.

Wattsan tool holder CNC router

End mill. It may be considered a consumable because it wears out over time. This is a cutting or 3D engraving tool, and choosing one might be a painstaking task.

Wattsan end mills CNC router

More about each of those components and how to choose them we wrote in this article.


This is a volume that represents the rotation amount per a certain time measurement, such as 18.000 RPM. It is also vital to understand that 60 RPM equals one Hz. That implies 24,000 RPM will be 400 Hz.

Each type of operation has a specific RPM based on the processed material and end mill type. Furthermore, this value must be combined with the feed rate, since an incorrect ratio will result in instrument heating and material melting.

Feed Rate

Feed is the speed at which a router machine drives the spinning cutting tool against the workpiece, measured in millimeters. Simply said, it determines how quickly a workpiece is processed.

This one is for the end mill feed. When the feed rate is raised, the speed should be reduced to avoid instrument overload. Otherwise, rapid wearout is unavoidable.

Based on our expertise, we recommend dealing with hard materials at a feed rate of 0.1 to 0.25 mm/min.

There are formulae for calculating it: Feed equals N*T*Z. Where N is the number of cutting edges, T is the chip load (the quantity of material removed by each cutter tooth), and Z is the RPM.

You need to pick numbers carefully since it could cause wood scorch if you are going to lower the speed too much. However, when working with metal, you should do the opposite.

Travel speed

This term stands for idle movements and is usually indicated as G0 in program. By the way, coding is an important skill for the CNC router operator. It may appear to be difficult to learn, but thea’re many tools to make this journey easier.

Roughing and finishing

There are two main stages of product manufacturing on a CNC router machine.

While roughing, high speeds and rates are used to remove as much material as possible. Here the desired form is being found on the workpiece on a table.

The next step is called finishing, and, as it’s clear from the name, it’s the last one, when all details and polishing are done, as well as some other operations that make the workpiece an actual product.

End mills are chosen based on the type of work and stage.

Wattsan end mill CNC router

Depth and width of milling

Depth of milling

This is material removal depth per single passage of the end mill. The set number is chosen by workpiece characteristics, used instrument, and work type. For example, during roughing, a thick layer is removed at a low pace. Milling grooves or slots after finishing can be quite deep, and special end mills are available for this purpose.

Material effects in this way: the harder and denser it is, the smaller the depth should be set. Huge numbers may accrue as imprecise milling, material overheating, and failure.

Layout is one more thing that has to be accounted for. If it’s complicated, then a few passages may be required just for making the needed form.

Spindle power also has an effect. The machine may not be able to keep up with the depth that you demand from it. You’ll understand that straight away by the noise and milling quality.

The end mill, its shape and length, determines maximum numbers for removal per passage. When using extreme or excessive values, the instrument may wear out quite fast or break it completely.

Width of milling

This thing shows the width of the surface processed by an end mill per single passage. It’s determined by the instrument diameter that is picked based on the layout and requirements.

Wattsan keywords for CNC router


  1. Knowledge of keywords for the CNC router operator will allow you to start effective milling with fewer mistakes sooner.
  2. Make test cuts to figure out the optimal way of processing specific materials.
  3. Don’t expect to set all of the settings correctly right from the start: understanding comes with time. Write down and save information; create tables with parameters references.
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